7 Oct 2023, 3:05:55 am
Post: 6/104

It is time to vote on the CW 2023 Awards.
Below is the CW Awards categorises, nominate the player.

Deadline for session 14 October 2023.

Winners will be the player with the most votes.
The player with the most votes in each category will get a Banner and Reward.

1. Most Liked Player
2. Most Hated Player
3. Best New Player
4. Best Player
5. Best Bunny
6. Biggest Loser
7. Games Serialkiller
8. Best Profile

Good Luck



0 1 2 3 4
7 Oct 2023, 3:25:55 am
Post: 305/452
[KIHoward  prestige wrote
I'd like to submit a vote for Dogbert aka The Goat to receive no votes in any category from any player because hes a waste of space and completely irrelevant part of this game.

you gonna get served here just like in global or a DM so idk why you even bother to try 😴 😴

I'll also take this time to submit his butthurt rambling for a nomination of myself on spot #2 on the list 🀣 🀣

Pretty sure the common sense of anyone with half a brain can figure that out
7 Oct 2023, 3:37:31 am
Post: 306/452
[CWDracula  prestige wrote
🀣 maybe...

but honestly... gimmie a suggestion and I will change it πŸ‘

change this one to biggest snowflake or biggest pussy on the game so we can all nominate slick

or weakest player, attention whore, most butthurt over online hits, biggest cry baby etc
7 Oct 2023, 3:56:33 am
Post: 1/21
7 Oct 2023, 4:44:05 am
Post: 19/21
Most active player goes to Brady..I don’t think that fool sleeps!!
7 Oct 2023, 5:11:06 am
Post: 307/452
Getting back on topic of the thread...

My votes as follows:

1. Most Liked Player - Shoresy  prestige - this is obv Brady. Not a single other person even tries to be likable here

2. Most Hated Player - [BSD] Mr. Fox  prestige - this is obv me. Too many haters drinkin they haterade all day

3. Worst Player - [FU] S L i C K  prestige - changing this to worst player because we don't have any new ppl here and slick needs a spot

4. Best Player - [BSD] Mr. Fox  prestige - give credit where it's due. Love, hate, neutral, you can't deny it

5. Best Bunny - [FU] CH#2  prestige - gives the highest exp when killed. Obv a no brainer choice for bunneh

6. Biggest Loser - [69] Refflesia  prestige - both at life and probably 50-50 too

7. Games Serialkiller - [FU] Cricket - without a doubt psycho cunt. Bitch be feeding dudes to tigers on her farm when she isn't at an applebees yelling at the manager

8. Best Profile - KillDozer3_0 - tread on those who tread on you

PS: I accept bribes to change my votes just like IRL. These are paid in points or credits directly to me by the highest bidder. Msg me for details. Nobody will ever find out ;)
7 Oct 2023, 5:16:23 am
Post: 2/21
Dogbert, you ain't hated. People just think you're an egotistical wanker, there's a difference
7 Oct 2023, 5:22:38 am
Post: 308/452
Santa SN  prestige wrote
Dogbert, you ain't hated. People just think you're an egotistical wanker, there's a difference

I have over a decade of cry mail screenshots and death threats that beg to differ 🀣 🀣

Guess we will find out in the polls tho πŸ‘€

Also, a PSA:

[user]61[/user*] remove the * and change ID to tag ppl in votes

idk how that wasn't posted in the thread already
7 Oct 2023, 6:23:52 am
Post: 226/265
β„’  prestige wrote
Most active player goes to Brady..I don’t think that fool sleeps!!

Sleep? what is the meaning of this word?