7 Oct 2023, 3:05:55 am
Post: 6/104

It is time to vote on the CW 2023 Awards.
Below is the CW Awards categorises, nominate the player.

Deadline for session 14 October 2023.

Winners will be the player with the most votes.
The player with the most votes in each category will get a Banner and Reward.

1. Most Liked Player
2. Most Hated Player
3. Best New Player
4. Best Player
5. Best Bunny
6. Biggest Loser
7. Games Serialkiller
8. Best Profile

Good Luck



0 1 2 3 4
13 Oct 2023, 12:16:46 am
Post: 16/104
My personal votes:

1. Most Liked Player
[FU] SuperNaturaI  prestige

2. Most Hated Player
[BSD] Mr. Fox  prestige

3. Best New Player
[UCR] Dracula  prestige

4. Best Player
[FU] CH#2  prestige

5. Best Bunny
[KI] ~Rosee~  prestige

6. Biggest Loser
[FU] S L i C K  prestige

7. Games Serialkiller
[BSD] Mr. Fox  prestige

8. Best Profile
[KI] Naps  prestige
13 Oct 2023, 12:17:38 am
Post: 17/104
xxxxxxxxxxxx @ 2 minutes ago

1. Most Liked Player - Bradly Tkchuk
2. Most Hated Player - Goat
3. Best New Player - Taking Naps
4. Best Player - RIP Sneaky aka TM
5. Best Bunny - Sofia inactive
6. Biggest Loser - Murry Cod banned
7. Games Serialkiller - Goat
8. Best Profile - Bugaboo
13 Oct 2023, 12:30:13 am
Post: 18/104
Current Count:

Ties will be decided after by a revote of those selections only.
or they will not be awarded.
13 Oct 2023, 12:52:23 am
Post: 19/104
xxxxxx @ just now

Most liked - SuperNatural

Biggest nob - dogbert

Best newbie - DA

Best profile - Brady

Best Player - Candace

Biggest bunny - Candace

Games Serialkiller - Candace

Biggest loser - dogbert
13 Oct 2023, 12:54:22 am
Post: 20/104
13 Oct 2023, 8:03:28 pm
Post: 111/150
hello can i plllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz suggest new category only 2 sadmin fit in it we can see who really is winner if u ask me LHH

Biggest Cat Loving Little Man

14 Oct 2023, 3:32:55 am
Post: 21/104
xxxxxxx@ 8 hrs ago

Most Liked Player - brady
Most Hated Player - Dogshit "The GOAT" fucker
Best New Player - chlair
Best Player - Dogshit "The GOAT" fucker
Best Bunny - candice
Biggest Loser - slick
Games Serialkiller - Dogshit "The GOAT" fucker
Best Profile - Dogshit "The GOAT" fucker
14 Oct 2023, 3:33:34 am
Post: 22/104
xxxxxx @ 8 hrs ago

1. Most Liked Player - Brady Tkachuck
2. Most Hated Player - Ron Burgundy
3. Best New Player - TAKING NAPS
4. Best Player - TAKING NAPS
5. Best Bunny - Sophia
6. Biggest Loser - GOAT
7. Games Serialkiller - Rip Sneaky
8. Best Profile - Dark Angel