9 Mar 2023, 4:57:46 am
Post: 91/157
You want the donations but half the shit is broke.
Attack the Sydney Throne 275 times. 256 / 275
Get 1 attack per knocking them off.

Gym wouldn't work unless you log out and back in.

This is starting to suck with stuff being broken daily


19 Jun 2023, 9:16:55 pm
Post: 131/180
de nile....it's that long river in egypt...duhhhh
20 Jun 2023, 3:22:13 am
Post: 197/264
[FUBugaboo  prestige wrote
de nile....it's that long river in egypt...duhhhh

Speaking of de nile, Niles won't be in the Fraser revival 😐
20 Jun 2023, 3:22:14 am
Post: 198/264
[FUBugaboo  prestige wrote
de nile....it's that long river in egypt...duhhhh

Speaking of de nile, Niles won't be in the Fraser revival 😐
20 Jun 2023, 5:58:26 am
Post: 141/157
Kills not counting at all. Prison gives timeout page.
20 Jun 2023, 5:58:27 am
Post: 142/157
Kills not counting at all. Prison gives timeout page.
20 Jun 2023, 6:04:39 am
Post: 143/157
the whole game wont work. This sucks because the dogshit is off and not interfering
20 Jun 2023, 12:51:21 pm
Post: 144/157
This page isn’t workingcriminal-warfare.com is currently unable to handle this request.
20 Jun 2023, 12:57:44 pm
Post: 145/157
What to do? Done so far How many required Payout
Kills 10 196 1,066 points

doesnt change