1 Aug 2022, 6:39:15 pm
Post: 140/142
This was not considering the whole server when this rule was put back into place.

Maybe instead have an item available to be purchased with points or credits where you have protection for 1hr.

** should not be able to use when in a gang war.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 Aug 2022, 2:47:34 am
Post: 12/59
The fact your saying the game gets along fine when you kill someone for going over your oth or for going for their throne achievements is why this should be in place you get your online attack and the player has 10mins to do what they want without worrying about someone coming at em for some bullshit your clear above the 2nd top player I don’t see why you always wanna be on the throne or always win the oth by now you should have most your skills done
2 Aug 2022, 2:56:56 am
Post: 131/452
[FUOogie Boogie  prestige wrote
The fact your saying the game gets along fine when you kill someone for going over your oth or for going for their throne achievements is why this should be in place you get your online attack and the player has 10mins to do what they want without worrying about someone coming at em for some bullshit your clear above the 2nd top player I don’t see why you always wanna be on the throne or always win the oth by now you should have most your skills done

the fact that you think it's okay to tell me how to play makes you part of the problem and another person with an agenda that should never be involved in any game decisions

you always tried to start shit before and obviously still have issues because of that

you go out of your way to do something that you know will get you hit and then complain that you get hit for it 🤣
🤣 🤣 🤣

it's not my job to help you get your player skills or achievements completed or even tolerate anything you do here

in fact, anyone that isn't in my gang or on the record supporting my gang, is against us in my eyes so all the more reason to prevent that

the name of the game is criminal warfare, not friendly gatherings 🤣 🤣

I suggest you and a few others on here start looking for a different type of game where everyone can hold hands and help each other beat the big bad computer where you never lose because playing against other players does not seem to be working out for you guys
2 Aug 2022, 3:39:32 am
Post: 13/59
Lmao you are exactly why that protection is in place whenever something is suggested and it isn’t in your favor you but in your just being a hypocrite if it doesn’t favor you you throw a fit I was literally just chilling doing my thrones and you online multiple times before I brought it up here so You saying I’m starting shit is just showing the type of guy you are lmao you act like on mv there isn’t hella protections and that game is still going don’t see how it affects much here but I already answered to all your cons of this protection you just want to be able to constantly talk shit without anyone saying anything
2 Aug 2022, 8:32:12 am
Post: 132/452
[FUOogie Boogie  prestige wrote
Lmao you are exactly why that protection is in place whenever something is suggested and it isn’t in your favor you but in your just being a hypocrite if it doesn’t favor you you throw a fit I was literally just chilling doing my thrones and you online multiple times before I brought it up here so You saying I’m starting shit is just showing the type of guy you are lmao you act like on mv there isn’t hella protections and that game is still going don’t see how it affects much here but I already answered to all your cons of this protection you just want to be able to constantly talk shit without anyone saying anything

Adding protection in because of me is also not a suitable reason to change the game and make it worse for everyone else trying to play it how they have been for a year. Let's break this down so you can understand it better. There are like 3-4 ppl that have personal issues with me here. Nobody else benefits from this except for them. Those problems will not go away because protection was added. In fact, those problems will continue to get worse until it is removed or fixed. So by your logic, everyone else should be punished so 3-4 noobs can play the game with slightly less hits than before even though they clearly deserve to be hit in the first place 🤣 🤣 🤣

You are an absolute non factor and a nobody on here that has just jumped on the bandwagon with this because it suits you now. You know in the past what you do that warrants hits and then when you continue to do it and get hit, you complain about it. There will never be a point in time where anyone gets out of getting hit for something that puts them on my hitlist. It's never going to happen and there is no point to continue to argue about this.

I think you need to go back and re-read what I said here:

"it's not my job to help you get your player skills or achievements completed or even tolerate anything you do here"

"in fact, anyone that isn't in my gang or on the record supporting my gang, is against us in my eyes so all the more reason to prevent that"

^^ that's my play style and if you have an issue with it I really don't give a fuck. My style and the way I build top accts on games will never change. It hasn't changed in over 16 years and it's not going to for any reason. So let's just agree to disagree on this one.

As far as MV goes, you should actually go login there today before rollover as a matter of fact. Because the rampant protection on there is the exact reason that no protection days were added which is going on right now 🤣 🤣

That being said, the normal protection stuff on MV is somewhat balanced with other items that defeat it or ways to get game affects in when needed, so that's not even a great comparison. There are literally items that destroy protection on there because way too many pussies play the game constantly protected. All that on top of no protection days too.
2 Aug 2022, 9:05:08 am
Post: 133/452
Getting back to what the original post is actually about...

I've given this a lot of thought and spoke with other intelligent, non biased people that aren't just content to keep arguing with no end in sight and accomplish nothing in the process.

I want to propose a 2 part solution that ticks all the boxes from both sides. The first part will allow shitty players plenty of protection in order to do their kill ops but it also won't break the game in the current ways it does now. The second part is important for maintaining some sort of order and integrity on the game, so hear me out on both.

First thing to be done immediately is drop the ridiculous 10 minute cooldown to 1 minute max. Having a full minute of attack protection in between hits is ample time for anyone to complete a full search list of kills. Which if they are legitimately doing kills, they would need to reload search page anyway at that time or before. If you factor in kill master use, it is kind of still over powered but let's chalk that up to kill master being a really good item. This solves all the problems currently associated with the kill delay. Except of course it would need to be disabled during wars for obvious reasons. This also corrects the 3 min kill delay that was already removed from the game once before and makes it more on par with the pace of the game.

Edit: I want to clarify one thing here because I know certain ppl struggle with math and think "big number good, small number bad". 1 minute attack cooldown means that you would still have attack protection if a player was actually hitting you while you were trying to do ops. So first hit and cert would be a minute in between. Then next hit and a minute. Then the next hit and wait a minute and so on. It basically allows you to use a few certs and complete a full run of kills without the whole game being inconvenienced. IMO this is still way too much protection, but I'm trying to look at it from an objective standpoint while making sure the game features are not affected.

Second part of this some may not like but I believe it is necessary and should be considered. Assuming that the first part is done and kill delay is reduced to 1 minute interval quickly and easily, the matter of adding protection when it was specifically voted against still exists. I propose that there should be a second vote posted game wide for players to choose whether the 1 minute attack protection stays or goes. If it is voted on to stay then, those opposed should be able to live with it seeing as it is not a ridiculous amount of time like it currently is. If it is voted on to be removed then everyone should respect that decision because this will be a second time around where it was voted against. So that means no crying or rioting in the streets if the vote is no 😝
2 Aug 2022, 2:19:07 pm
Post: 14/59
Here’s a counter suggestion make it 9mins so you can stop whining about it affecting your kill ops I wouldn’t be surprised if the other non biased players were in lo certainly don’t see em in here say so many people have problems with the protection but not a single one of em has placed there opinion here
2 Aug 2022, 2:42:20 pm
Post: 16/67
[LODogbert  prestige wrote
Getting back to what the original post is actually about...

I've given this a lot of thought and spoke with other intelligent, non biased people that aren't just content to keep arguing with no end in sight and accomplish nothing in the process.

I want to propose a 2 part solution that ticks all the boxes from both sides. The first part will allow shitty players plenty of protection in order to do their kill ops but it also won't break the game in the current ways it does now. The second part is important for maintaining some sort of order and integrity on the game, so hear me out on both.

First thing to be done immediately is drop the ridiculous 10 minute cooldown to 1 minute max. Having a full minute of attack protection in between hits is ample time for anyone to complete a full search list of kills. Which if they are legitimately doing kills, they would need to reload search page anyway at that time or before. If you factor in kill master use, it is kind of still over powered but let's chalk that up to kill master being a really good item. This solves all the problems currently associated with the kill delay. Except of course it would need to be disabled during wars for obvious reasons. This also corrects the 3 min kill delay that was already removed from the game once before and makes it more on par with the pace of the game.

Edit: I want to clarify one thing here because I know certain ppl struggle with math and think "big number good, small number bad". 1 minute attack cooldown means that you would still have attack protection if a player was actually hitting you while you were trying to do ops. So first hit and cert would be a minute in between. Then next hit and a minute. Then the next hit and wait a minute and so on. It basically allows you to use a few certs and complete a full run of kills without the whole game being inconvenienced. IMO this is still way too much protection, but I'm trying to look at it from an objective standpoint while making sure the game features are not affected.

Second part of this some may not like but I believe it is necessary and should be considered. Assuming that the first part is done and kill delay is reduced to 1 minute interval quickly and easily, the matter of adding protection when it was specifically voted against still exists. I propose that there should be a second vote posted game wide for players to choose whether the 1 minute attack protection stays or goes. If it is voted on to stay then, those opposed should be able to live with it seeing as it is not a ridiculous amount of time like it currently is. If it is voted on to be removed then everyone should respect that decision because this will be a second time around where it was voted against. So that means no crying or rioting in the streets if the vote is no 😝

When you make your game, you will be able to implement all that, plus decide who is worth it of being there.
You and yourself... clicking alone and scared of coming in second.
2 Aug 2022, 2:51:13 pm
Post: 17/67
[FUOogie Boogie  prestige wrote
Here’s a counter suggestion make it 9mins so you can stop whining about it affecting your kill ops I wouldn’t be surprised if the other non biased players were in lo certainly don’t see em in here say so many people have problems with the protection but not a single one of em has placed there opinion here

Just a small remark. This is not protection, this is a cool down that exists for kills like for everything else.
There are cool downs to spawn players, there are cool downs to mug (you're going too fast), it's part of any game.
They are the same for all players and exist to prevent abuse and ensure that no one can make a denial of service attack.