31 May 2023, 3:15:11 am
Post: 168/240
Hello, here's a brief summary of what is coming in June, firstly, we are revamping the criminal pass. We are retiring the old version, however, we are going to run it through to the end of the year to allow everyone who wants to continue doing it, to get all 1,200 levels completed. Moving forward to the new version, it'll be released monthly, 100 levels that will automatically reset every month, so you won't have to wait around for us to release it every month. And we will be moving away from a specific objective for each level + bonus points. Instead there will be a bunch (13) daily objectives, each of which have 3 different tiers of difficulty that will reward you with points toward the season pass.
1st tier of the objective will reward you with 10 season pass points
2nd tier of the objective will reward you with 20 season pass points
3rd tier of the objective will reward you with 30 season pass points

Every 100 points gained, will complete the next level.

There will also be 3 tiers of rewards for the season pass. (Free, Criminal Pass, Premium Pass).
Free is of course free.
Criminal Pass will cost $5.
Premium Pass will cost $10.
You can by either both, one or the other or just continue with the free version. Criminal pass will give about the same rewards as the free, but you can claim both rewards if you have purchased the criminal pass. The premium pass give twice as much as the criminal pass, and you can claim all 3 tiers if you both criminal and premium purchased.

Here's a preview of what it will look like when it will be available on June 1st:

Moving on to part 2 of the June release:
We are revamping items (weapons, armor and shoes), we will be introducing a rarity system that will be about grinding to earn them instead of simply just purchasing the top thing day 1 and being done forever. The idea behind this is to make it not obtainable in a day, week or even a month. It'll take a long time to grind to the top item rarities.

Here are the backgrounds for the new items, each different color represents a different rarity tier.
The tiers are: Normal > Good > Better > Excellent > Epic > Legendary

Grey = Normal rarity, base stats. Requires 6 normal items to create a good item.
Green = Good rarity, base stats * 2. Requires 5 good items to create a better item.
Blue = Better rarity, base stats * 3. Requires 4 better items to create an excellent item.
Purple = Excellent rarity, base stats * 4. Requires 3 excellent items to create an epic item.
Gold = Epic rarity, base stats * 5. Requires 2 Epic items to create a legendary item.
Red = Legendary, base stats * 7.5. Maximum rarity.

Here are the new item sets. Each set has the same base stats for each weapon, armor and shoe, but you obtain the items separately. To show the power of the rarity system, here's a couple of examples:

Normal Copper Chest Armor = 33%
Legendary Copper Chest Armor = 247.5%

Normal Amethyst Chest Armor = 75%
Legendary Amethyst Chest Armor = 562.5%

Amethyst items will be a lot harder to pull than copper though, so it will take some time to grind the top gear.

To grind the items, you will have to complete hourly objectives, and complete some dailies in the same way you do for your player account. You can see a preview in this screenshot.

Copper Set (Base = 33%)

Tin Set (Base = 36%)

Bronze Set (Base = 39%)

Silver Set (Base = 42%)

Gold Set (Base = 45%)

Jadeite Set (Base = 48%)

Cobaltite Set (Base = 51%)

Eternal Set (Base = 54%)

Opal Set (Base = 57%)

Onyx Set (Base = 60%)

Apatite Set (Base = 63%)

Ruby Set (Base = 66%)

Sapphire Set (Base = 69%)

Emerald Set (Base = 72%)

Amethyst Set (Base = 75%)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
4 Jun 2023, 3:40:00 pm
Post: 177/240
[FUZsadist  prestige wrote
I'm pretty sure I missed a few of my hourly goals during my sleep. shouldn't then become available after completing the regular hourly goals for 24 hours? I can't find them...

not sure what you mean by this...

but you can only do the last 24 hours of objectives, once an objective has been available for 24 hours, it then gets deleted, whether completed or not.
4 Jun 2023, 3:43:58 pm
Post: 178/240
regarding credits, there will only be one per pass. so 12 times a year, which far exceeds any past double credits scheduling, where we may have done it twice a year, if you were lucky.

There will also probably be more chances to obtain them in future events. we are coming up with different event ideas and are working on coding 2 currently.
4 Jun 2023, 3:51:02 pm
Post: 237/452
[CWHaxXXxaH  prestige wrote
regarding credits, there will only be one per pass. so 12 times a year, which far exceeds any past double credits scheduling, where we may have done it twice a year, if you were lucky.

There will also probably be more chances to obtain them in future events. we are coming up with different event ideas and are working on coding 2 currently.

I don't see the harm in at least giving out a free one to start and at random times throughout the year like holidays and advent calendar and such

As someone who has both witnessed and used this exact feature on another game, what tends to happen is ppl either waste them by not buying enough credits or they wait and hoard until they are ready to spend "big" which may never come. Both equate to lost sales in the here and now. For instance if someone budgeted during the last BOGO to have enough creds to run mob pass for the year but now with new features out, they are gonna be short. They would essentially either have to burn their only token this month or go without until they get a spare.

New events sound promising tho 👍
4 Jun 2023, 4:26:21 pm
Post: 55/67
[CWHaxXXxaH  prestige wrote
regarding credits, there will only be one per pass. so 12 times a year, which far exceeds any past double credits scheduling, where we may have done it twice a year, if you were lucky.

There will also probably be more chances to obtain them in future events. we are coming up with different event ideas and are working on coding 2 currently.

I was commenting that the rewards for the criminal pass and premium pass are rather sad when compared with the free pass.

Specifically for level 50:
- free pass: [1x] Double Credits Token
- criminal pass: 375 Activity Points
- premium pass: 1,000 Activity Points

Regarding the double credits tokens, it wouldn't harm to give a few more.
I agree that comparing with the past it's far better, but then again it's not comparable given the changes to the game.
Since double credit tokens are non-transferable, I don't think you would lose much on handing out more to the players who are willing to spend... much on the contrary. Your call though.
4 Jun 2023, 4:31:15 pm
Post: 56/67
[CWHaxXXxaH  prestige wrote
[FUZsadist  prestige wrote
I'm pretty sure I missed a few of my hourly goals during my sleep. shouldn't then become available after completing the regular hourly goals for 24 hours? I can't find them...

not sure what you mean by this...

but you can only do the last 24 hours of objectives, once an objective has been available for 24 hours, it then gets deleted, whether completed or not.

There were a few lines of objectives that I didn't complete last night because it was sleepy time. This afternoon, when I came back, I completed what was there and thought that objectives from last night would show up because of this:
"If you do not complete it within the given hour, it will be reserved for up to 24 hours for you to complete, however, you have to complete the most recent objective before you can complete reserved ones."

Since no more goals showed up when I cleared the list, I wondered if it was a bug. I'm guessing that the list included both the new and the "reserved" ones.
4 Jun 2023, 5:20:48 pm
Post: 238/452
You can grab power 15 times a day. Each power grab gives you 5 power.

the timer on this should really be adjusted lower if nothing else

ideally the skip cost changed to a reasonable point option too

Today's Power Grabs: 15 / 15

completing all of these is a lot of time away from the game

which is good if you have other things to do but not good for player engagement 🤣 🤣
4 Jun 2023, 5:59:17 pm
Post: 125/157
damn MJ and dogshit always seem to answer alike. Makes sense.
4 Jun 2023, 8:43:41 pm
Post: 239/452
Fuck Dogbert  prestige wrote
damn MJ and dogshit always seem to answer alike. Makes sense.

I guess in the sense that we both provide intelligent and educated responses instead of retarded nonsense, sure

but we disagree on many things

such as not pumping credit tokens into the game 3x, not adjusting the timeout thing that only gives a random crate after like 3 rounds, not being able to sell items back or have a working itempedia on either game, world stats visible, not having a exp calc, the list goes on longer than I care to type 👀